FRPA Groundbreaking Of Rail Sidings

FRPA Groundbreaking Of Rail Sidings

On Thursday, February 25, 1999, a backhoe started preparing the area next to the Fullerton Santa Fe Depot, Fullerton, California, for the installation of the two rail sidings. The installation of these two sidings could be considered the first step toward the eventual building of the Fullerton Railway Plaza.

These two rail sidings will be made available for rental to private rail cars. Utilities have been installed so that private cars can be fully equipped and usable while parked on the sidings. If you have a private rail car and are interested in parking it on these new rail sidings at the Fullerton Santa Fe Depot, then click here to send e-mail to or call 714-278-0648.

Click Here to view live images of the installation of the two railway sidings from the FRPA WebCam!

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Last Updated: 03/13/99

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